Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ELNO in the news

Bookselling This Week, the news arm of the American Booksellers Association, covered the Summer 2006 Emerging Leaders Night Out (at the Brazen Head in Brooklyn) in this article. The piece also describes the genesis of the nationwide Emerging Leaders project and its founders.

Our Fall 2006 Emerging Leaders Night Out (at Union Hall in Brooklyn) apparently garnered enough buzz that the publishing scene blog GalleyCat had "a spy in attendance," who penned this report.

(Welcome to the strange New York phenomenon of going to a party and then reading about it the next day. I feel the reporter's boring conversation about Frankfurt was probably due to talking to too many other publishers and not enough booksellers. Someone needs to branch out.)
Maybe next time we can get Gawker to cover us... or not.

- Jessica


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